Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pentathlon - This Weekend!

Please look over the psych sheet to see what team your swimmer will be with (Ghoul or Pumpkin Head). During warm ups (at 8AM - be at the pool at 7:45AM), Ghouls will warm up in the lanes closest to the scoreboard in the outdoor pool, Pumpkin Heads will warm up on the opposite end. Your swimmer will receive their caps before they warm up with their appropriate "team" for the meet.

After warming up, we will do a cheer and new swimmers will go to their Senior buddies.

Please help out to process! Look to see what team your swimmer is with and send them to that side. I will be with Pumpkin Heads - Coach Stephens will be with Ghouls. Look for one of us to go to. Parents are asked to hang out in the inside pool (find a good seat for the meet!). Send your swimmer with their towels out to the pool.

Pentathlon Buddies List For Green/Gold/AG3

Pentathlon Psych Sheet

The meet should be about 3-3.5 hours long. Please plan on more than one towel and check out the Dynamo Monthly for our Meet Survival Guide that I have been working on. It will give you all you need to know for swim meets. As always, please e-mail or call me with any questions!

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