Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Snack Schedule as of 9/23/09

Please look over the snack schedule and mark your calendar for the date you signed up! If you have not signed up yet contact the appropriate group mom below to pick a date.

Green/Gold: Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson -
AG3: Mrs. Kay Williams -

AG3 Group Snack List
Green/Gold Fun Friday Snack List

For AG3 plan on about 20-24 swimmers on Saturdays.

For Green/Gold Fun Fridays plan on about 40.

If something comes up and you will not be able to be there on the date you are scheduled, you are able to drop snacks and drinks off at any time during the week at my desk. We also have a fridge to store items that need to be kept cold. Just be sure to write the group name and date the snacks are for on the packaging so I know where they go.


Coach Amanda

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